Not Dave’s Sandwich Loaf
Want a soft and fluffy, slightly sweet loaf that’s speckled with healthy seeds? This is it! This recipe includes same day/overnight cold proof options.
If you’re ready to ditch store bought sandwich bread and make your own, this recipe is ideal!
Your whole family will love it!
Soaker: (OPTIONAL)
30g mixed seeds (I use sesame, hemp, sunflower)
30g boiling water
200g whole wheat flour
200g all purpose flour
275-300g warm water (depending on your comfort level)
100g levain/active starter
20g olive oil (you can use any fat you want)
30g honey(you can use any sweetener you want)
10g salt
Oats to coat the loaf in (optional)
Prepare your levain/starter and soaker. The soaker should be at room temperature when you’re ready to mix your dough and the starter should be at peak and active.
Mix flours, water, starter/levain and let the dough sit for 20 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients (soaker, honey, oil and salt), and mix well. Make sure the dough has come together and isn’t stringy before you stop mixing. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
Perform 3-4 folds over the first 2 hours of bulk fermentation, making sure to wet your hands with water before touching the dough.
About 4 hours after you mixed your dough, shape it into a log. Then wet your dough either with a spray bottle or roll it on a clean, damp, kitchen towel. Then coat it in oats. Lightly coat a loaf pan in oil and place the dough in the pan. Leave it on the counter for another hour and then put it in the fridge overnight. (If you’d like to bake it the same day, let it proof until the dough reaches or comes up just above the rim of the pan.)
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees and place a shallow pan underneath the rack you’ll be baking on. Boil 3-4 cups of water.
Score your dough and place it on the rack, and then carefully pour the boiling water into the shallow pan, closing the oven as quickly as you can.
Bake for 40-50 minutes, or until the loaf reaches 205 degrees internally. Knock the sides of the pan on your counter to loosen the bread and cool on a wire rack. If you want a soft crust, place a damp towel over the loaf while it cools or put it in plastic once its only warm to the touch. Enjoy! Here is the shaping process.